Lower resolution calculator
Lower resolution calculator

lower resolution calculator

Next, choose an eyepiece or projection lens Field Number (values range between 18 and 26 millimeters) and Video Coupler magnification (between 0.5x and 1.0x). In order to operate the tutorial, shift the Numerical Aperture and Objective Magnification sliders (values appear above the slider bars) to set the appropriate values for the microscope optical configuration to be considered. The physical CCD Dimensions of the selected sensor (in millimeters) are displayed on the right side of the image window along a rectangle having the same aspect ratio as the imaging chip. A new CCD Format (size) can be selected by using the radio buttons appearing to the left of the Specimen Image window. These values are continuously updated as the sliders are translated. In the gray, yellow, and red boxes beneath the sliders, the microscope Optical Resolution (gray), CCD Required Pixel Size (yellow), Optimum CCD Array Size (yellow), Monitor Magnification (red) and Total Magnification (red) of the image are presented in micrometers or a product. A colored rectangle designating the CCD dimensions (2/3-inch by default) is superimposed over the image to reveal the actual area of the specimen that is captured by the sensor.

lower resolution calculator

The tutorial initializes with a randomly chosen specimen appearing in the Specimen Image window (black box) and bounded by the eyepiece aperture or projection lens field diaphragm.

Lower resolution calculator