Most items that we offer are guaranteed for thirty(30) days after receipt unless specified in the listing. in the list otherwise its functionality will be clearly expressed in the detail description list.

When the representative picture is used it will have to be assumed that the actual item may differ in size. If picture is not included it will mean the item is new or not used. Sale procedures& terms details: Item included in the list is as shown in the photo and Specification is listed. We have the opportunity to explore for your requirements at your need. We are committed to providing our customers with tested/ quality items from our wide selection/ collected stores at a lowest possible price. Diesel Generators, and Micro Gas turbines and control Equipments(electro pneumatic) and automation spares collected from Ship Breaking Yard and others. Visit our ebay = S About us: We specially deal in Power Generating items like Steam Turbine Generator. OTHER: Please contact us for any queries. GUARANTEE: THE ITEM BEING SELL AS USED.TESTED O.K IF FOUND DOA.100% MONEY BACK IS ASSURED INCLUDING RETURN SHIPPING. more SHIPPING: Worldwide air freight shipping may take 10- 15 days at best. THIS BID IS FOR ONE UNIT UNITOR REFRIGERANT LEAK DETECTOR UNIRX-1A.